Decisions made by Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs) have far reaching consequences for stakeholders around the world, be they consumers, workers, retailers, or the general public.
The current system where industrial fishing interests have preferred access will only reform when other stakeholders demand equal access.
Join the growing ranks of organizations uniting to support the opening of RFMO meetings globally:

And also
- A.P.P.I. – Association des Professionnels de la Pêche Industrielle
- AGIRE Joal-Fadiouth
- Association des Pêcheurs Monofilament
- C.A.A.P. – Collectif des Associations et Acteurs de la Pêche Hann bel-air
- CJNG – Climate Journalism Network Ghana
- COPEM – Conseil national des organisations non gouvernementales et des professionnels de l’environnement marin
- JRFE – Journalists for Responsible Fisheries and Environment
- UNAPAS – Union Nationale des Pêcheurs Artisanaux du Sénégal
- YOFF – Académie de la pêche artisanale